Bulk Broadband Alliance Applauds FCC Chairman Brendan Carr’s Withdrawal of the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Regulate Bulk Billing Agreements

Jan 26, 2025

Decision Ensures Continued Consumer Access to Affordable Broadband Services, Free from Unwarranted and Disruptive Regulation

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Bulk Broadband Alliance issued the following statement in support of Federal Communications Commission Chairman Brendan Carr’s decision to pull the draft proposal to regulate bulk billing agreements, safeguarding the benefits they provide to consumers.

“The Bulk Broadband Alliance applauds Chairman Carr for his leadership in swiftly pulling from consideration the deeply flawed proposal to regulate bulk billing arrangements.  This decision is a major victory for millions of households that benefit from the typically 50% lower prices and higher quality these arrangements offer.  It also paves the way for even more Americans to benefit from these arrangements in the future, as the highly competitive bulk billing market can continue to expand with maximum speed, free from the fear of unwarranted and disruptive regulation.

The Chairman’s actions also play a key role in the efforts to close the digital divide by ensuring continued affordable access through bulk billing, which benefits vulnerable communities, including seniors, students, and low-income families.

Today’s action marks the third time in 15 years—2010, 2017, and now 2025—that the FCC, under both Democratic and Republican leadership, has not moved to regulate bulk billing arrangements after evaluating their pros and cons in the record.  It’s undisputed that consumers benefit most when these arrangements remain free from government interference and are left to the market.

Concerns about the draft rulemaking were widespread among a broad coalition of stakeholders, including engagement from dozens of members of Congress, over 50 mayors, and other elected state and local leaders from across the political spectrum, as well as housing organizations, internet service providers, broadband adoption advocates, and free-market groups.  We appreciate that a wide range of stakeholders recognized the benefits of bulk billing and supported the withdrawal of the rulemaking.

The Bulk Broadband Alliance is eager to continue collaborating with Chairman Carr and other federal and state leaders on initiatives that promote the increased use of bulk billing arrangements, ensuring that consumers continue to benefit from this service model.”

The Bulk Broadband Alliance is a coalition dedicated to educating the public and policymakers about the benefits of bulk billing and the harms regulation would have on the millions of homeowners and renters who rely on these arrangements for broadband and video services.  For more information about the Bulk Broadband Alliance, see https://protectbulkbroadband.com/.