BBA Statement on Unsubstantiated Claims Against Bulk Billing

Aug 2, 2024

Bulk billing arrangements have long-existed to provide lower-cost and higher-quality communications services for millions of Americans who live in apartments, community-governed properties, senior living facilities, and student housing, many of whom live on fixed incomes.  For that reason, the FCC in 2010 declared that these arrangements ‘predominantly benefit consumers,’ and the agency has not seen fit since then to alter that finding.  The unsubstantiated claims of the public interest groups do not diminish that reality.  Moreover, their proposal to enable a resident to ‘opt-out’ defies economic reality and would harm the greater good.  The Bulk Broadband Alliance urges the FCC to withdraw its proposal to regulate bulk billing, thus ensuring more affordable, high-quality broadband for American consumers and continued progress in closing the digital divide.